This is all you need to create a basic webpage with a title in your titlebar. In order to make things easier to read, this page will teach you how to add a "break" tag to your code. There are "paragraph breaks" and "line breaks" on this page.

The previous pages had all the text flowing together. Note that even when you place linebreaks in your sourcecode, you will not see a linebreak on the webpage unless you use HTML tags to create those breaks. Be sure to look at this paragraph in your text editor and in your browser and note the difference in the formatting. In this paragraph, you will see linebreaks in the text editor, but not in the browser - because the linebreaks are not using HTML tags.
Alternately, you can use a "line break" tag instead of a "paragraph break" tag - the "line break" tag simply jumps
line, instead of into a new paragraph. Computer-nerds will tell you "paragraph break" tags are outdated, so you must only use double "line break" tags to get the same effect.

That is computer-nerd hogwash! Don't listen to them. Regardless of any edicts handed down by the pretentious Oracle Of Computer Nerds, the "paragraph break" tag functions perfectly in all webbrowsers and therefore is not "outdated" in any way. Feel free to use "paragraph breaks" and "line breaks" as you see fit to control your text spacing. One more important note to defy the computer-nerd crowd - paragraph and line break tags DO NOT require a closing tag. Many computer-nerds use closing tags for paragraphs and line breaks, saying that is the "proper" way to write your code... but those close tags don't actually do anything. Don't use them. Let the computer-nerds waste more time typing. You and I have other things to do, so we want our code to be fast and efficient.

So, to review - you can control the line-spacing of text with 2 different tags - "paragraph" or "line break" - which jump text into a new paragraph or a new line respectively.

These pages have been pretty boring up until this point. Next, let's spice things up by adding pictures! Woohoo! We will also add some simple navigation by showing you how to make links, so getting to new pages becomes a little easier. Since the concept of "HTML tags" is hopefully a little easier to understand at this point, the explanations will be slightly less detailed and we'll start to speed things up a tad. Ready? Onto the next page...